Readers: The Forgotten Heros and Heroines – Gems I Hold Dear…

I am a packrat in all aspects of my life. I hang on to things that have meaning and sometimes much to my wife’s despair, things that aren’t worth anything. This was a huge point of contention when we were downsizing from our large home on three acres to our small condo on the lake. … Read More Readers: The Forgotten Heros and Heroines – Gems I Hold Dear…

Anal Proctalgia

What the hell, Annette? No, Anal Proctalgia is not this writer’s clever and highbrow way to tell someone they are a pain in the ass. Although sometimes I may be clever with my stories, I am never highbrow. How about a blog about a relatively obscure medical condition? Yup, why not. Besides, having just had… Read More Anal Proctalgia