Vagina Elasticity

In my weekly peruse through the news feed on my iPad, I came across a very brief article titled, “People Are Just Realizing What Happens To the Vagina After Sex, And Wow, We Were Taught Nothing.” It was such a letdown to read the article. The information provided was so minimal compared to the long ass title. Nevertheless, I decided to do a bit of research on my own to find out more. Basically what the article stated was that it doesn’t matter how much sex a person has, the vagina will return to its original shape within minutes after sex, unlike my biking shorts or T-shirts after they’ve been washed too many times. However, I suppose it might be an appropriate analogy in some regards, because eventually, like those old shorts and T-shirts, our bodies do age and eventually become less elastic. However the culprit is not too much sex. Here’s what else I learned:

  1. Returning to its original shape takes a hell of a lot longer after childbirth. Try up to six weeks and in some cases, the vagina may not return to its pre-birth shape completely.
  2. Women over forty begin to lose that elasticity and their vaginas will become looser with age, unfortunately we also lose lubrication with age, so don’t think you can just use a bigger toy without preparation!
  3. There are small folds or rather bands of muscles in the vagina that allow for this elasticity and expand kind of like an accordion. Cool, huh?
  4. During sex, the vaginal muscles relax which is what allows for that elasticity, but since those muscles relax slowly, foreplay becomes very important. So, it’s not so great to put that oversized dildo or several fingers inside without properly arousing your partner!

While most of this was something I already knew, I did kind of get a kick out of the description of the vagina as an accordion. For those who love the accordion as an instrument, go out and play that baby and make sweet, sweet, music. Perhaps there will be an opportunity to weave this little tidbit into a future book, because I am quite sure none of this is in any book I’ve written thus far. Oh well, that shouldn’t stop you from checking out my books, because I often include interesting bits and pieces into them alongside some very obvious political messages! Simply click the links below. New out is Love Hacks and the audible version of The Book Witch. For the Pride Month Giveaway, today I am offering up more audible books from The Organization Universe, reader choice. First two readers to message me on Facebook will win.

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