Altered States for Dolphins

As someone that smoked a fair amount of weed in my youth and live in a state where recreational use is still legal, I found it fascinating when I read an article about Dolphins and the reasons they play with pufferfish. Now, I know y’all are just dying to learn all about this phenomenon, and I am quite happy to share what I learned from the article!

Apparently, pufferfish have the ability to create a defensive chemical when they feel threatened. However in small doses this toxin creates a kind of “trance-like state.” In this BBC documentary, called Spy in the Pod, instead of tearing into fish like they normally would, the dolphins gently play with the pufferfish and toss them back and forth (kind of like passing around a joint). You know…puff, pass, puff, pass. So, who says drugs are only for humans! I knew I always like dolphins, but this latest piece of information raises my esteem for the playful creatures to a whole new level. Not that I want to give it a try or anything, but I wonder if humans played with pufferfish would we benefit from the same effect of the small doses of toxin? Disclaimer: Do not try this at home…after briefly researching this, the toxin in one pufferfish is enough to kill 30 humans.

I wrote an earlier blog about lesbian dolphins, and I just had to weave in what I had learned when I wrote that blog into the book I wrote with Ali Spooner, called Trouble in Paradise (the fourth book in the Trophy Wives Club series). Of course, since it was set in the Caribbean, we had to incorporate those playful sea creatures into the story. As always, want to read about how I weave this kind of information into books, feel free to click the links below!

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